This project is funded through Port Stephens Council $6000 - a collaboration between Koori Colours Art Gallery and Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre.

The two day cultural workshop is facilitated by talented Worimi artist Jason Russell (artwork pictured above), and will be held on February 25th - 26th at Tanilba Bay.
The program has a high focus on connection to culture, through the provision of art and story.
The aim of the program, is to provide a culturally safe environment, to connect with culture through the provision of art and story. Participants of the workshop will be guided by Jason to create their own stories on canvases.
The program will also have a second component - a community art exhibition of participant artwork, will be held at Tomaree Library and Community Centre - on Friday March 3rd 2023.
Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre has worked in collaboration with Koori Colours Art Gallery on many youth workshops. We had a huge expression of interest from parents and other community members to hold an adult workshop.
We have had an overwhelming response to the program and it is now fully booked. If you would like to placed on the waiting list, please email
Thank you to Port Stephens Council for funding this vital community program.
If you would like to make a donation to the Neighbourhood Centre, to help fund this vital cultural program in the future, please follow the link
