The Well I Am program was held from May 4th to June 28th, 2023, at Anna Bay Public School, and Soldiers Point Public School. The program was funded by the NSW Government - Department of Regional NSW ($9,800.00).

The funding was for the provision of three well-being programs - Well I am Girls, Well I am Boys and Well Beginnings.
The program had a 100% success rate in increasing the children's confidence resilience and self-worth.
Laura Collison equipped the children with the knowledge and skills to navigate and take control of their own emotional well-being. The program had 5 core areas - confidence, resilience, self-worth, nutrition, and physical activity. The program also had a second component - support for parents to implement strategies at home.
The program was delivered on schedule, and all objectives were achieved. Survey results indicated that all participants felt an increase in confidence, resilience, and self-worth. The program also had a 100% success rate in providing skills and strategies to navigate emotional awareness and behaviours.
It was a pleasure to work in collaboration with Well Education, Anna Bay Public School, and Soldiers Point Public School on this valuable and vital early intervention project.
In accordance with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre is committed to ensuring the safety, wellbeing and human rights of children. Through our work and programs we strive to create environments where all children can feel, and be, safe and welcomed and where their participation is valued.
