Primary Purpose of Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre
Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre is a Public Institution which has the charitable purpose of advancing social and public welfare and providing benevolent relief to members of the community who are in need, by: -
Empowering the marginalised and vulnerable through participation in activities and education, regardless of cultural, socio-economic status or educational background.
Creating programs that respond to identified community needs, particularly for those who are ‘at risk’.
Providing education and programs for indigenous people and those from multicultural backgrounds.
Promoting social inclusion to prevent and/or relieve social isolation.
Providing services with life skills learning and development outcomes to enhance the opportunities of disadvantaged individuals and groups, including jobless families and single parent families.
Alleviating hardship by operating a community Food Pantry and providing culturally appropriate food and care packages to those suffering financial distress and homelessness.
Assisting those suffering distress and/or experiencing financial hardship to access services and supports.
and to pursue benevolent purposes as the Board of Management deems appropriate and are consistent with the strategic direction of the Association.

Providing emergency relief services to our community.

Our Mission
Alleviate disadvantage with 'at risk' communities
Proactively respond to identified needs, by designing and implementing projects and programs that deliver skills and resources to enable full and effective participation in society
To empower the marginalised and vulnerable in our community by providing the highest quality knowledge, support, life skills education and community connection
Be the pre-eminent provider in Port Stephens of services enabling participation regardless of cultural, socio-economic, or educational background

Our Vision
A thriving and connected community with a strong foundation of justice, equality and social inclusion that is resilient in the face of change.